All hail the sgug-rse instead.

Some software I've built for IRIX 6.5

IRIX has been obsolete for years now, but the hardware is still interesting to me. Here's some stuff I've managed to build.

DISCLAIMER: This software works on my machine. I can't guarantee anything else, but it actually does work on my machine. For a smooth experience, I suggest using Nekoware gcc or MIPSpro for now.

gcc 4.7.4


Cross-built on a Linux host. Includes GNU binutils 2.17.

This is an updated version, fixing a couple of stupidities in the previous tarball. After installing it, edit /opt/local/gcc-4.7.4/libexec/gcc/mips-sgi-irix6.5/4.7.4/install-tools/mkheaders to point to your copy of bash (it appears in three places in the file) and run the script to get fixed versions of headers in /opt/local/gcc-4.7.4/lib/gcc/mips-sgi-irix6.5/4.7.4/include-fixed.

GNU grep 3.1


This one supports -r option, making it rather useful for finding out where something is #defined.

Lots of stuff


Inside the file there is an optlocal.profile file which sets rld search paths accordingly.

NOTE: this includes an /etc/sudoers file with my username. Replace with yours instead of blaming me about trying to hack you.

NOTE: curl expects to find a cacert.pem containing certificates in /opt/local/etc. More info.

What's included:


There is a constantly updated document describing my adventures with pkgsrc on IRIX in 2018 and 2019 hosted on

Erno Palonheimo,